Another Winter Weekend

First of all, Merry Christmas to readers who celebrate Christmas, happy holidays to everyone else. Second of all, if you are like me and my family, you are going to need activities to do this weekend, and likely, all of next week as well. While The Party Elements offers camps at a variety of other times, we are not offering any programming this Christmas vacation week. What should you do?
1. Indoor water parks. This is my favorite option, although likely to be one of the more costly ones listed here. In the New England area, you can buy day passes or stay overnight at CoCo Keys in Danvers (, or at the Cape Codder ( in Hyannis. Note that if you haven’t ben to the Cape Codder in years, you are likely to be pleasantly surprised by the serious expansion of their water park and available slides. Another option is to go to Great Wolf Lodge in Fitchburg, MA (, although here you have to stay overnight, and your overnight rate includes admission to the water park (and other children’s programming throughout the day and evening) (and an indoor ropes course/ climbing area). We were here only once on a special JCC trip, and loved every minute. It is probably the most expensive option, but you will get a lot of entertainment for your money.
2. Town camps and other town vacation programming. In Sharon, MA, the town is offering a variety of camp options including chess (yup, we’ll be there) (see previous blog post about why chess is magnificent) and Lego building of various forms (less familiar with this, but the oldest scientist-in-training will be there as well). These options are usually relatively economical, so check your town listings!
3. Local YMCA camps and programming. Check these. Most, if not all of the Y’s, have vacation day programming of some type, probably with extended day options available as well. EVEN if you do not need childcare coverage for your children, the Y’s often have extensive programming during this week that you can do as an entire family (think: themed family swim time, open gymnastics, etc). It will be fun.
4. Mass Audubon offers vacation day programming at a variety of their sites as well, and this year, for the first time, we are able to take advantage of it (the programs generally require that the children are completely toilet trained). Check out the website for more details: I hope the young scientists-in-training will be warm enough for all of the outdoor nature exploring!